
Top 12 tips to save money buying plants

Top 12 tips to save money buying plants

  TOP 12 TIPS TO SAVE MONEY BUYING PLANTS If we have anything like the Summer we had last year it will be a blessing to have a garden to sit out in. This could be the ideal year to create the garden you’ve always wanted and a good place to start is by changing the...

Best of the Bunch and Crafty Gardeners

Best of the Bunch and Crafty Gardeners

Introducing THE Best of the Bunch and Crafty Gardeners                        A little insight into my time spent with a local florist business   To begin, let me introduce you to the Crafty gardeners and Best of the Bunch. In summary, these local Bristol...

Mother’s day flower arranging

Mother’s day flower arranging

Does your Mother love flowers and are you looking for a gift for her for Mother’s Day? Come and join me for a relaxing morning learning a simple florist technique to make a beautiful hand-tied bouquet, perfect to display afterwards as a table arrangement. In small...

Birthday Treat

Birthday Treat

I look forward to my birthday because it’s a great excuse for treating myself. I often think we don’t treat ourselves enough but I certainly made up for that recently when I booked a full day workshop with Sarah from Simply by...

Our Crafty Gardener Philosophy

Our Crafty Gardener Philosophy

  I love gardens, you won’t be surprised to learn. I love sitting in my garden watching the bees on the flowers and listening to the birds sing. I love going back to gardens I have designed to see how they have changed and grown. But, you may be surprised to...

Spring time

Spring time

I don’t know about you but I love being led by the Seasons and I am really enjoying Spring this year. I am filled with such cheer when I see banks of bright sunny daffodils; taking a woodland walk and drawing in deep breathes of the hyacinth like scent of bluebells...

Valentine Flowers

Valentine Flowers

Valentine’s day is inextricably linked with flowers. It’s a celebration of romance in the UK but in other countries it’s a celebration of friendship and kindness. Understandably there is often some backlash against the commercial pressure of the day however it is a...

Creating a Calm Garden

Creating a Calm Garden

A garden should be a place of comfort. A place where you can have a quiet moment and let your worries slip away. When you catch sight of your garden through a window, your spirits should lift and your shoulders drop. So, how to achieve this oasis of calm in your back...

Bulbs – The Perfect Plant?

Bulbs – The Perfect Plant?

Clients often ask me how they can have colourful flowers all year round. They don’t want a lot of fuss and bother. Something that you can plant and leave. Does such a fantasy plant exist? Absolutely! Bulbs are the perfect plant. Most bulbs will not only...

Louise on the Radio

Louise on the Radio

I was pleasantly surprised to be  invited by Steve Yabsley to be his main guest on his BBC Bristol lunchtime show. The timing was fantastic as I was launching The Crafty Gardeners in early 2018 and this would be a brilliant chance to speak about it. It was...

Frome Independent Nurseries

Frome Independent Nurseries

Frome has a choice of local independent nurseries where you can rely on friendly expert advice and the confidence that comes with buying locally grown plants. Crafty Gardeners designer Michelle Wake reviews what’s available and asks for tips on plants for...

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